Audio Technica BP892cT4 MicroSet


Subminiature Omnidirectional Condenser Headworn Microphone

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Product Description

BP892 Subminiature Omnidirectional Condenser Headworn Microphone, less power module. 1.4 m (55″) permanently attached miniature cable terminated for Shure® wireless systems using TA4F-type connector. Includes AT8440 cable clip, AT8464 dual-ear microphone mount, two AT8157 windscreens, two AT8156 element covers, a moisture guard, and a carrying case. See BP892c for specifications.



  • Handles high sound pressure levels with ease
  • Extremely intelligible natural audio
  • Inconspicuous, lightweight headset with capsule diameter of just 2.6 mm is ideal for applications requiring minimum visibility
  • Ergonomic under-ear design—flexible, lightweight contoured loop hooks behind the ear for an ultra-secure, comfortable fit with or without glasses
  • Comes equipped with AT8464 Dual-Ear Microphone Mount that converts single ear-worn MicroSet to a dual-ear-worn unit for maximum stability and comfort
  • Available in black and beige, wired and wireless models; See BP892 for more details



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