Alesis SR16 Classic Drum Machine


Alesis SR16 Classic Drum Machine

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SKU: ALES-SR16 Categories:

Product Description

The reason is simple: it features a great selection of 233 realistic, natural drum sounds, offered both in dry form and sampled with our incomparable digital reverbs. Our exclusive Dynamic Articulation™ feature enables a drum sound to change its tonal content as it’s played harder for truly realistic performances.

The SR-16 features 50 preset patterns that were actually played in by top studio drummers, not just programmed and quantized. You’ll find enough built-in rhythmic variations (with A, B and two Fill sections) for composing complete arrangements, and you can create and save your own customized patterns and songs. Plus, the SR-16 also provides complete MIDI implementation, a footswitch input, flexible programming and editing features and velocity-sensitive pad buttons.

It’s so easy to use that you’ll be up-and-running and composing new music in minutes. Whether you need a songwriting partner or an accompanist for live performance, turn to the all-time world standard in drum machines: the SR-16.


  • Complete MIDI support for use with keyboards, computers and electronic drum kits
  • 233 professional sounds included
  • Built-in digital effects for added realism
  • Create and save your own customized patterns and songs



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