Delivery policy
Once payment is received, it can take between 1-10 working days to dispatch your order and this depends on whether we have the stock on hand and to where we will be sending it to in South Africa. However, 90% or more of our orders leave us within 1 day and take 1-4 working days to arrive. If we don’t have items in stock, we may have to first collect from one or more suppliers before despatching. 

Owing to escalating fuel and courier fees, we have unfortunately been forced to increase delivery fees as of February 2025. We have kept these increases down as much as possible and in most cases, are still not recovering what we are charged. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. 


Shipping for orders is charged as follows:

  • R0-600 Order: R125 delivery fee
  • R601-1200 Order: R115 delivery fee
  • R1201-1800 Order: R100 delivery fee
  • R1801+ Order: Free delivery

We use an economy service but if the option allows, we make use of same day, next day or overnight delivery.

Please note that these shipping costs are to main distribution points only. For all other regional areas, a custom shipping fee will apply and will be invoiced separately. Your product will only be dispatched after the custom shipping fee has been paid.

Regional areas include Farm / Plot, Government Building, Power Station, Trust Area, Township, Game Reserve / Resort, Embassy / Consulate and Chain Store.

Export restriction
The offering on this website is available to South African clients only.

Custom & Large Orders
Please take into consideration that custom and large orders be subject to a longer delivery period.

Damaged Items
Should your item arrive and is damaged, please contact us at with a photo of the product. After we have been in touch with you, you will need to return/send the products back to us, at your own expense, within 7 working days of the date of purchase. All items need to be returned unused and in their original packaging.

Should your items arrive and you are displeased with your purchase, please contact us at with a photo of the product. After we have been in touch with you, you will need to return/send the products back to us, at your own expense, within 7 working days of the date of purchase. All items need to be returned unused and in their original packaging. An admin fee or an amount deducted for “used condition” returns may be applied.

Undelivered Items
Should a package not be delivered through no fault of ours (for example no one on the premises to take delivery, you are unable to answer calls or an invalid or incomplete delivery address is provided) we will attempt a second delivery after which, if the package is not delivered, you will be liable for all additional costs associated with the delivery of the package. Should you request a refund as a result of these failed attempts, you will be refunded the price of the products less the additional delivery costs.



Most suppliers are closed for the year from midday 20th december.
as such we cannot fulfil any orders which are not in stock at warehouse
until after the 6th january in most cases Collections for stock at our warehouse can be made by special arrangement. We are back in full swing on the 6th january 2024. Thank you for your support in 2024!